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Men's Monday Message: God is with You

Good morning mighty men of valor....

Well.... it's Monday again.

Boy time really seems to be flying.

Thanksgiving is over... Christmas is around the corner...

(I haven't even thought about gift shopping)

And the New Year will be here before we can finish the egg nog.

So how are you doing with that time you said you would put aside for your relationship with God?

Remember.... daily devotions.... prayer time... quiet time.... time to read and study?

Yeah... me too.

Wait... let me beat myself up a bit more as penance to breaking, yet another promise to God.

Here's some good news....

God is amazing!

And God knows of our intention to be with Him so guess what?

He figures out a way to be with us!!!

He put His spirit in us.... can't get closer than that.

Now, don't misunderstand me....

We need to seek God and do all we can to do our part in this relationship.

But our Father is always making provision for us.

He said He would never leave you nor forsake you.

That's true for He is in you and you are in Him.

(Check out John 15:4-10 and 1 John 4:12-16).

We often face this "interaction with God" problem as a transactional affair.

This can only lead to failure and frustration for we are unable to satisfy this time commitment we set for ourselves.

How much time for God is enough time?

Truth is... this to be relational not interactional.

If God is with us all the time... the "never leave you nor forsake you" thing,

then we are also with Him... all the time...

Pro 3:6 says, "in all your ways acknowledge Him and He will direct our path".

If God is always in the room, so to speak, then I can always acknowledge Him.

When I make a decision, I can look over and get His nod of approval.

When I need to have a tough conversation, I can pause and ask His advice.

When I am being tempted, I can resist for He is beside me.

When I am weak, I can lean on Him for He is strong.

When I have done all I can to stand, He will hold me up so I can stand, therefore.

Our time with the Lord is relational, not transactional.

Take Him with you everywhere as He is always willing to go.

​Strength and Honor, but Only for His Glory,

​MDN Coach ​Dennis Labriola

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