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  • ceolabriola

Men's Monday Message: Security

Good morning mighty men of valor....

Anxiety, worry, restlessness, pressure .... all work against us.

Every person wants to be secure in his or her life.

To know that all is well and will be well.

That there is nothing missing.... nothing broken in "my world".

Yes, every person wants to be secure, but soon realizes that they cannot provide their own security.

That we do not possess the skill set necessary that yields this security.

No matter how we try, on our own, it is a losing battle.


It is not a skill set... it is a person... Christ Jesus.

Phil 4:6 & 19 (paraphrased) "Be anxious for nothing.... Our God supplies all we need."

Our security is found in Him!

Strength and Honor, but Only for His Glory,

MDN Coach Dennis Labriola

Author of Seventh-Inning Stretch: Reflection on the Game of Life Seventh-Inning Stretch: Reflections on the Game of Life by Dennis Labriola, Paperback | Barnes & Noble® ( Check out and subscribe to my YouTube Channel: (1591) Dennis Labriola - YouTube

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