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Men's Monday Message: The LIST


Good Morning Brothers,

So how do you battle the attacks you face, whether the clashes with the world, the culture, our flesh or that from the enemy of souls?

Do we shake our fists towards the sky?... spit into the wind?... allow an inner rage to set aflame our carnality?

Or perhaps we put our heads in the sand, covering our trouble with drink, smoke or some other method to try to calm the sea? "If I close my eyes it will just go away."

Well, that's not what Jesus modeled for us!

When confronted by Satan himself He responded with the Word of God.

I was taught to develop a list of "life scriptures".

The Word of Truth as it pertains to facing the troubles and challenges we all face. To develop "muscle memory" as an athlete to immediately react and respond as Christ taught.

Jesus said we will have trouble in this world but be encouraged for He has overcome the world (John 16:33).

So, do you have such a list?

Where do you go when you feel weak?... confused?... alone?... in lack?... ill?... whatever the trouble?

One of mine is 2 Timothy 1:7 whenever I feel afraid... yeah, I know, real men are never afraid... If you believe that I have a bridge to sell you.

Email me back with one of your life scriptures from your list.

If you do not have a list start building one today.

Strength and Honor, but Only for His Glory,

MDN Coach Dennis Labriola

Check out the new Podcast Interview on my YouTube Channel: (1591) Dennis Labriola - YouTube. New ones will be offered the first of each month.

Author of Seventh-Inning Stretch: Reflection on the Game of Life Seventh-Inning Stretch: Reflections on the Game of Life by Dennis Labriola,

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