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Impacting People

A Privilege That Blows My Mind

Every person I have had the privilege to meet, whether through business, ministry and now my writing, has all had one similar desire -- to be significant in this life. To make an impact on the world in which they life. 


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Seventh-Inning Stretch... Reflections on the Game of Life is the latest work by Dennis Labriola. This work will trigger memories in your own life as it stirs the memory banks for times and events that mold us into adulthood. 


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Public Speaking

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Story telling has been part of our culture for thousands of years. Jesus told stories in parables, each having a profound affect on his audience. Dennis brings his stories to life as he offers business and Biblical truths on success, relationships, money, inner growth and peace of mind.


The Yawn that Went Around the World

December 6, 2022

So proud to announce my wife, Patty's, new children book!



Join Stephanie as she learns a lesson from her mom about the big difference one little person can make! If the action or inaction of one person can affect people around the world, imagine what a smile, a hug, or a shared word of encouragement could do! 


Available wherever books are sold!

The Yawn that Went around the World by Patty Labriola, Dayna Pappalardo, Kathleen Gurchie, Paperback | Barnes & Noble® (


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